In an era where innovation is fueled by technological advancements, migrating to the cloud has emerged as a cornerstone of modern...
Tags: Digital Transformation, AWS, Cloud Migration,
As the pandemic slows down and we learn to live with it, weekend recreation and shopping are steadily returning to normal. The...
Tags: Digital Transformation, technology, Retail,
As the barriers to digital entry continue to shrink, new-age technologies continue to provide a variety of capabilities that...
Tags: customer experience, Digital Transformation, technology,
Tags: Digital Transformation, Customer engagement, Salesforce
In 2020, the airline industry's revenue totaled $328 billion, a mere 40 percent of the year before. The sector is projected to...
Tags: Digital Transformation, Future technologies, Machine Learning,
Increasing internet penetration and the large base of smartphone users have made India a poster child for mobile...
COVID-19 led to a near-simultaneous shutdown of the global economy, with retail among the severely impacted. In responding to the...
Tags: Digital Transformation, Retail, Ecommerce
In addition to the accelerated pace of digital transformation, the COVID-19 pandemic transformed the traditional healthcare...
Tags: Digital Transformation, Telemedicine, Healthcare,
2020 had been a hell of a roller coaster ride. From where I stand, I can see the healthcare sector at the epicentre of this...
Tags: Digital Transformation, AI, ML,
Fortunately, the endeavors of digital transformation dwell at the epicenter of customer experience (CX). All you got to do is to...
Tags: Digital Transformation, digital transformation trends, digital trends 2019