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Looking Up At the Cloud

Since people ventured back into their homes to work remotely, pass their time on social media, shop for...

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Tags: AI, IoT, Machine Learning,

By Debasis Ray On July 27, 2020

Embrace Technology

Embracing technology has always been a key part of strategy. When Robert Iger took over as the CEO of the Walt Disney Company, he...

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Tags: technology, emerging technologies, AI

2020 had been a hell of a roller coaster ride. From where I stand, I can see the healthcare sector at the epicentre of this...

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Tags: Digital Transformation, AI, ML,

The successful 2020 retailer will also build a true omnichannel operation that allows customers to interface through any channel...

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Tags: customer experience, AI, Multichannel,

In a world where Everything is Digital, and Digital is Everything, supply chain too comes aboard piquing curiosity – how to get...

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Tags: automation, AI, IoT,

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has been a tool to manage business relationships with existing customers. The first CRM...

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Tags: AI, Data Analytics, CRM,

Year 2019 should see good adoption of predictive/prescriptive analytics across the industries. The most talked about subject,...

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Tags: Digital Transformation, AI, ML,